Labour Day at the PNE

CUPE Metro is proud to have the Pacific National Exhibition (PNE) host us this year for Labour Day in Vancouver.  We will be rallying with other Unions, District Councils and the BC Fed at the Coliseum to kick off a fun day at the PNE.

We will have early entry available at Gate 6 for members to pick up wristbands.

Members must pre-register for their wristbands by contacting:

Additional discounted wristbands and ride passes can be purchased at this link.

Rally in Support of CUPE Local 51

In support of 51 CUPE workers who have been locked out since January 2018 in Montreal, Quebec, a rally will take place:

Date:             June 14, 2018

Time:             11:30 AM

Location:      New Brighton Park, 93 New Brighton Road, Vancouver V5K 5J7

Meet at the crossroads of Commissioner Street and New Brighton Road, beside the overflow parking lot

All rally materials will be provided on site and a media statement will be issued June 13.

Bring your flags and show your support!